Friday, December 30, 2005


Happy new year

The Complete New Yoker & Seth's Two Lives - mine. Happy New Year to me. And yeah - the rest of you, too.

Nice. This way I can wish you a Happy New Year with some actual reason to believe that you will have one.
Thanks, Falstaff. Happy new year to you too. How's India?
Happy New Year to you too.
The Complete New Yorker will last you a few years, so happy reading. I wish the Atlantic Monthly came up with something like that...
Swami: thank you, and wish you the same.

Karthik: I jumped the gun a bit on the New Yorker. After shelling out the dough & tearing up the wrapper, I realized that I have a CD drive, not a DVD drive :( I kcow what my next purchase will be...

It is very humbling, this set of DVDs. If eighty odd years of the greatest magazine in the world can be compressed into a six discs, then what about our lives?

Weird thoughts I know, but I can't seem to get them out of my mind.
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