Monday, September 26, 2005
Waiting in vain
This week end was a trip down memory lane for a displaced Madrasi. Expected lightning, thunder, strong winds, heavy downpours et al & got zilch, as Hurricane Rita bypassed
I suspect that
Come November, every Madrasi would allow himself to get all excited over yet another depression - the older members of the family allow themselves a fond, if elaborate dream - two days worth of rain seeping into the parched earth of Madras, and miraculous raising the water table to a level that lo and behold, you turn on the tap, and water (not air) flows! The children dream dreams of schools declaring a holiday... The folks over at the electricity department dream of the number of hours they can shut off power "poyal kathula kambam vizhunthidichu, saar!" The bitter irony is that only the TNEB employees' dreams ever came to fruition most of the time.
Hurricane Rita was the same - well, almost. Of course, Americans are more fun to watch, as they panic so adorably. People bought cans & cans of drinking water, groceries (only stuff that'll keep even if the power & ergo the refrigerator goes), torch lights, DVDs (we may be stuck inside the house for ages!), board games (in case the power gets cut off), called friends & family to reassure them that they were well prepared, and of course filled up their Hummers & F-150s convinced that gas prices would hit $5... Finally, not a drop. It was pleasant on Saturday evening - a pleasant breeze was in the air, brining a brief respite from the stifling heat. By Sunday,
Ah well. Born Madrasi that I am, I still nurture hopes. One of these days,